i wanted to bump this
we have 4 kune kune pigs and plan to grow 3 out fro breeding and eat the other.
we bought them in Jan when they were 8 weeks old - just last week they finished the 50lb bag of feed we got the day we picked them up. we have been feeding them alfalfa and alfalfa mix hay and any scraps we have.
we are wanting to grow these pigs on grass/pasture alone. we may use some organic alfalfa pellets and molasses in the winter or when we have sows nursing.
it seems rare to see people eating these pigs. all reports from people who do eat them say the meat is great. anyone here with any 1st hand
we hope to be able to kill/quarter the hogs on farm at some point, but we will likely take teh first few into the butcher to have processed.
we plan to graze the pigs along side our dairy cows and sheep/lambs - anyone know of a good reason this wont/i
should do this? our pasture is pretty rich, and we rotated daily/every2 days so i am not to worried about competition for food.
here is a picture of all the animals wondering what in the world we just brought home....