I have recently become a small part of rehabilitating a piece of property to become a
permaculture site. This particular peice of property comes complete with a lot of
land erosion and an abandoned automotive shop. The goal is to develope the property to be able to grow food, as well as creating a site for people to congregate and learn. The old auto shop is still sound in structure and able to be converted to a multipurpose building. My question is what about the land? I've worked in the automotive industry and can tell you from
experience there is a great deal of pollution that poors into the ground around these places.
My questions regarding this are as follows
When I take soil samples how far down into the ground
should I go?
Let's just say the soil samples come back looking scary. What steps should be taken to remediate that area?
How much time needs to pass before it is gone from the soil naturally?
The setting for this is in the mountains so there is a grade and
water flows.