HI I have always wanted to build a
wood fire stove for baking and cooking because lets face it there is nothing like the smoked filled flavor infused into what ever you are cooking or baking including your PIZZA!
I have owned several pizza shops through out my life and i have always wanted to try to make an
oven that would do just that . Well this
video shows my first attempt and not my last and build the ideal wood burning oven.
After watching many video's on what was being made and having my own knowledge about commercial ovens I knew what I wanted to do .By combining wood fire ovens from Italy ,BBQ's smokers and even the green egg I knew it had to be well insulated and that was probably the biggest lesson i learned in doing this .I am already planning my next ultimate oven but in the meanwhile this one is doing just fine and I know that you will learn from this so when you get ready to build yours these ideas will help.
Bob Mongiello