Glenn Darman wrote:I've been drying corn on the cobb in an effort to procure my own seed so I'm wondering how long and how dry before I take them off the cobb.
My strategy is to let them dry on the
cob long
enough that when I set a seed on a rock and hit it with a hammer, that the seed shatters. If it mashes, then it's not dry enough. Another test I use is the bite test... I put a kernel between my front teeth and nibble on it. If it's too wet, I'll be able to nibble off little pieces of the kernel.
Timing can vary widely for me depending on how warm it is and how much humidity. If I dry them on the porch, which is basically outside except covered to keep off rain, then it takes a couple of months in late fall. If I dry them inside over the heat register where they get lots of moving air, then they dry faster. If I dry them in a crate they dry slower than if I lay them out a single layer deep. They dry quickest on a corn board. If I had unlimited resources, I would dry them on wire racks. The risk with drying them in a crate is that they might mold. So I typically don't gather them into crates until the drying process is well advanced.
Drying corn a single layer deep on the porch. I turn them about once a day so that every side gets exposed to the air.
Almost Finished Dying on the Porch.
Dries quicker in the sunlight, but I gotta be vigilant regarding rain, and I don't like drying seed corn in the sun cause I worry about getting too hot. I dry the food grade corn in the sun, and the seed grade in the shade.