Every year I tell myself I'm going to save lots of veggie, herb, and flower seeds. So far I have never managed it. This has been a very strange year weather wise. We always have mild fall weather, but this year summer just kept going. Because of this I'm just now taking out my summer veggies.
1) I grew foot long beans/ snake beans, what ever you want to call them. They were tasty, grew well, and very productive, even with the super hot weather. A bunch dried on the vine. I would love to save them. They did have aphid twords the end summer. I'm wondering if because of this I
should not keep the seeds. I always have more to do then time (my own fault) so I don't want to spend the time to shelling and store them if the odds of germination are slim.
2) I have some eggplant that turned yellow on the plant. Are they good seeds to save, or am I better off removing the seeds from an eggplant we will eat? I'm going to try to over winter a couple, but haven't done that before, so I don't know how that will go.
3) the last of the okra is still on the plant. Should I leave it until it's dry? Would it be better to pick them and bring them in to dry?
I'm not going to bother with tomatoes. Yes I still have tomatoes ripening on the vine. It's finally getting colder, so I'm sure we are done. It was a terrible year for tomatoes for me. Most didn't turn red, and what did I was told tasted sour( I don't like tomatoes). So even though they started getting red and tasting better this fall, I think it's better to just start from scratch.
I know I have to make sure the seeds are dry, and will store them in a paper envelope. If there's anything else you think I should know, I would love to hear it. Thanks