Hi all.
I feel extremely fortunate to have the property that I do. Up-slope from the garden that I have established, I am going to attempt to create a large volume of
carbon storage, using
trees in a number of different ways. In the area in question, there are a number of coniferous trees growing (between the ages of 2 years and 30 years, as well as deciduous varieties in the same age stages, as well as clonal clusters of poplars and cottonwoods from older trees nearby. This is all in a 100 year old feral meadow, after a fire cleared some of it and homesteaders did the rest. When I dig into the ground, there is a layer of char around 4 to 8 inches down variably.
I will list the methods that I plan to use or if I have started, what I have done, and later some details on the plans with them for the future.
1.)Hugulkultur: Not yet implemented.
2.)Tree planting/perennial planting: started with some
natives around the existing trees and planted lovage and rhubarb today.
3.)Chop and drop (not yet implemented).
Biochar: None in the section yet, but will be adding some to composts to be spread on the surface and mulched.
5.)Mulch: Around native plants that I transplanted as well as lovage and rhubarb
Compost: Hauled three truckloads of winter bedding certified organic horse manure to my
land yesterday and today, added some around the rhubarb and lovage.
1.) My plans with the hugulkultur is to do most of it above grade, thus facilitating more microclimates and moisture in the upper soil horizons. I'm planning the huguls do act either as frost deflectors or sun catchers or both. Either way, stores woody material in the soil for the shrt term, and over the long term deposits of carbon from fungal and microbial activities in the form of carbon rich humus. With the hugulkultur, I'm hoping to gather a large volume of cottonwood and poplar from a man who is madly cutting it down on his property nearby 1.5 km away (which is close in terms of this big valley). I'm not sure how to approach the situation, as he might think that it's a good idea to
sell it to me if I'm too eager.
There is a possibility also of using some charred
wood that was not completely burned in forestry slash piles for longer term storage of carbon directly in the form of wood.
2.) Tree planting/perennials. and 3.) Chop and Drop. The more woody rooted, or perennially rooted plants in the area, the more carbon will be in the soil on a fairly long term basis. The longer term plan, beginning soon this year, will be the planting of way more trees in this area, and eventually replacing some of the existing trees with native and domestic food providers as well as nitrogen fixers like alders. On a longer term basis, the plan is to utilize some of the alders as a chop and drop trees, stripping branches and laying them down for mulch. I'm hoping that this will also help with shedding additional nitrogen from the
roots and make space for the growing food forest. Some of the alders will not be touched. Many of the existing trees, specifically conifers, will be also chopped and dropped and eventually replaced by the fruit tree, shrubs or perennials and nitrogen fixers that they are (or will be) nursing. The existing
root systems/stumps will not be taken out of the system, but chopped and left to compost in place.
4.) Other parts of the property will be utilized for the creation of Biochar. I have a small retort that I will use to cook on and to create some char to be added around plants, probably on the south side (as I live in a place that could use all the heat it can get, and the darker soil surface will enable things to warm up faster in the spring). I was also thinking that some char thrown on the snow might be a good way to facilitate thawing in late spring. Future plans include a larger retort that also is a heating unit for my shop.
5.) Made friends with the
local arborist, and plan to put a sign up on the road directing people (tree trimming companies hired for cutting trees under power lines mostly) to dump wood mulch. I have had one load delivered. The arborist does not do a lot of work in my rural area, but does work in the towns (villages really) a lot, and he said that if he is going by, he would dump at my place. I use
hay mulch on my gardens, and this has many benefits, but the main problems have been slugs and
6.) Compost/ Compost Tea/ Shredders/Chips continued: Plans are to build or buy a shredding device to make massive wood based compost systems, possibly mixed with manure. I really like all the ideas presented by Jean Pain, and would love to have the compost system heat my home/shop, and maybe power my vehicles. Compost will be added on the surface near all plants to facilitate soil organic matter. Actively Aerated Compost teas will be created to spray the soil surface and plants. Purchased a backpack sprayer for this purpose at a
yard sale last year. Need to get a high powered pump to blow air for making high quality AACT or figure out vortex system for oxygenation.
Thats all I can think of before I head over to Eric's website and check out more ideas.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.