Nancy Vail : Besides welcoming you to and our sister site, we should have included a link to this
Thread to make your Future
Explorations a little easier.
A needed ist step is to share your location, ( Just the Township/State -IF you are comfortable with it !) which gives us an idea of your winter heating load
In extreme cold climates, warm moist air will cool and condense water onto your window surfaces and being cooler and heavier will tend to continue to fail
to the floor generally cooling your structure. a set of heavy Drapes or adjustable window insulation is a good way to deal with this issue- Your RMH can be
close to- but not directly under those drapes !
Even 2' away should be far enuf, Many people use Comforters or Futon mattress-like pads to save heat in their RMHs Thermal Mass Bench ether to have
a warm spot for a time out -One person ( or more!) personal snuggle, or just to concentrate and continue to store that heat when your room temperature
is toasty
A minor note of caution, when your Bench padding starts to smell like freshly ironed laundry, it is time to uncover that area, Promptly !
Speaking about Prompt ,It only takes a micro section for water to flash to steam expanding 1700 times in volume, Here at Permies we call this an "Boom/Squish''
Event -with you being the Squish - Think Boston Marathon Bombing- only with more Deaths and Full Thickness/ Full Body burns !
This is way past B) and practically riding around in the breast pocket of C)
If you want a Visual, Stronger cautionary tale - goto U-Tube and check out the - '' Myth Busters exploding
water heater episodes " .
Yes this type of system can be made to work, it should be Designed by an Expert, installed by an expert and monitored by a highly trained person
24/7 during the 'Heating season' Also in most locations this will end-up bringing you to the Attention of the " Department of making you Sad ''-
Complete with Licensing and Annual Inspections and Fees !
Please be sure that you HAVE come to the Right Place . Unless your climate /location/building type and family needs creates a great demand for
space heating we will be able to satisfy your Heating/Cooling and Humidity issues and needs with a conventional and simple RMH .
Remember ALL Your Fellow Members started where you are now, For the Good of the Crafts ! Big AL