We are in the process of clearing an area to build our future house. Unfortunately, some of the area the driveway will go through is very low lying and each spring, it turns into a mud pit. Luckily, I have a very understanding wife, but unluckily, she likes to drive her sedan and isn't interested in converting to a truck. To that end, I am considering ways of constructing the driveway to negate the muddy effects. As I was considering this on my way to the ranch store this AM, I passed a
local tire shop that I gotten old tires from before to make my ducks nests. This got me to thinking about the Earthship homes made from tires filled with compacted dirt. Then it hit me! Why don't I make the edges of the drive from tires with compacted dirt in them, then back fill between the tires with road base followed by sand to compact everything. Basically, it would look like this: OtireO ~rockrockrock~ OtireO
Thoughts or ideas on this?