Hi y'all, I've got a broody that bites me and gives me bruises every day when I collect eggs. I'd love to isolate her from the flock and give her some eggs to sit on. How will I know if/when she's ready?
I always just let them have that box and set up others for collecting the non broody hens eggs. I have had some luck moving nests when I had too, but i avoid it if I can.
I put a box in the nest box and put the hen in it with the eggs I want her to hatch. I leave her on there for a day or two and then move her in the night to the brooding coop. It helps to cover her with a towel during the move and leave the towel over her until the next morning.
Here's a weird problem with just leaving her in place: the coop's only got one undivided nest box. I can't just leave her with ALL the eggs cuz that also =$ since we sell a good many eggs.