Hi guys another great video . Is this swarm from your Flow hive ? Are the bees using the Flow hive stuff ?
Good capture in a difficult bramble patch
My Girls have yet to swarm but I captured two small swarms that just turned up . Always best to have that bait hive ready
Living in Anjou , France,
For the many not for the few
Thanks, David. Yes, this is from our first hive, the one with the flowframes. We now took the super off, though, as they first have to increase in numbers again and had not yet starting using the flowhives.
Did the swarms you captured go into your bait hive without your intervention?
Yes the first went of their own accord:-) and the second landed on the wall of the first hive . I believe them to be two cast swarms from the same source . Some where to the south of where I live .
If you look on my project page there are pictures of the two hives . The first is a home made Log hive the second is a Warre
Living in Anjou , France,
For the many not for the few
Doody calls. I would really rather that it didn't. Comfort me wise and sterile tiny ad:
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