Thomas, your visit here is so timely for me. My hubby (one of the most knowledgeable people in the world on the climate change emergency) and I were just recently on our way to visit a friend in Pullman, Washington (USA). That's when we discovered the Palouse, a vast area of beautiful green rolling hills, covered in newly sprouting wheat, lentils and garbanzo beans. These fields were such unending tracts of
land that we couldn't see where one farm ended and another started. The greens went on forever.
My husband, knowing my interest in all things food growing, asked how I would
permaculture the Palouse. (I
should mention that some days, as a climate change activist, the thought of permaculturing the world is the only thing that can get me out of bed in the morning.)
Ooh, ooh, what a cool question. "Okay," I said, "the first thing I'd do is break these huge farms up into smaller settlements and get more people out here so we can get rid of a lot of that big gas guzzling farm equipment." (Whether or not that was the "right answer" from a
permaculture perspective is now moot, because ....)
"Wait, stop," he responded. "That's social engineering, and it ain't gonna happen."
"Well, when the climate change $#@! hits the fan and crop failures become more common and people are starting to
experience hunger, won't they want to come out to the countryside to help grow food in zero-carbon ways?" But that was it. No matter what I said, my hubby couldn't picture people wanting to move back to the land -- or governments being able to move people back to the land, even in a food crisis.
So what do you think, Thomas? Can we "permaculture the world" without social engineering? We have to get to zero
carbon (and other GHG) emissions as rapidly as possible. What role is
permaculture going to play in helping us achieve that goal when so many food-growing areas (at least in North America) have enormous farms that depend on big oil-dependent equipment? I'm looking forward to reading your book, but do you have any thoughts on this for us permies here in the forums?