I did some hedge work yesterday and got
enough small sticks to do a
firewood cutting test. I often take branches down to quite small firewood, in order to reduce the number of loads taken to the branch dump.
I'm using large Fiskars loppers. The ones with a gear that multiplies the force on the cutting blade. Whenever I have large amounts of fairly large sticks , I don't hold the tool with both hands. Instead, I put one of the rubber hand holds against the pavement, braced with my foot. This allows fairly large material to be cut by simply bearing down on the other handle. Much easier than the serious peck workout which occurs when loppers are held in two hands.
The pile of
wood was enough to fill the large garbage can pictured. There were 139 pieces ranging from three quarters of an inch 2 one and three quarter inch diameter.
It took 6 1/2 minutes.