I know this may have been a subject posted here before, but I've added my take and recommendations to this and added some science research which I'm not sure even Groasis has ever reported on as I cannot find it on their website. Hopefully I've put
enough relevant resources together to provide a clear understand of the potential for this practice and product.
I've written a few posts on Pieter Hoff's Groasis Waterbox system which is incredible simple to understand for all cultures around the globe. He and his organization have done some amazing projects in almost every country around the globe and education programs which incorporates all ages and cultures. This is my main post on Groasis Waterboxx Cocoons. I wished I had these or something like them decades ago. Too late now to experiment this far into the end of the system, but others may have a go at it and even teach their kids. This is the quickest way I can find in establishing plant ecosystems and restoration of damaged ones. The main thing is the ability to
water once and allow the system to train
roots straight downwards into the subsoils.
Native plant restoration can be far easier and more successful.
Groasis Waterboxx - Desert Greening, Root Infrastructure, Water Savings, Education of Children, etc, etc, etc