Hi, im from peru but im.staying in barcelona for some months . In my friends house i found some abandoned pot with plants growing on them.
They look very similar than verdolaga (postulaca oleracea) but it not exactly the same as the verdolaga it grows in peru. The difference is that the verdolaga that grows in peru has the leaves fatter and this plant here in spain that looks like verdolaga is exactly the same with the only difference that the leaves are thinner... the leaves doenst have that much meat as the leaves of verdolaga growing in peru.
What do you think? Do you think it is verdolaga? Or maybe is a plant that is family of verdolaga?
I been eating this plant here in spain because i have a lot of abandoned pot full of this plant and i didnt had any stomach problems but i think the taste is also a little bit different. I think verdolaga from peru is a little bit more acid.
Here is a pic of this plant. Do you think it is verdolaga?