I have 125 meat birds that are three weeks old and doing absolutely fantastic on fermented
feed from day one.
As they get bigger I am having trubs finding a way to feed the glop to them.
course the gravity feeders of all varieties are not working as it either gets stuck or spills all over (yes I had to just TRY! Trust me. It doesn't work) The chicks barely escaped the quick sand of goo.
Second question for anyone that has used this method. I have read that the protein content is 12% more available with laco fermenting the feed. So can I use a feed with a lower protein content? Have you tried it? I don't want to slow down their growth due to my 'good idea'.
I want to make my own feed and that's a critical component on what I can use. What do you use in your homemade mix?
I also hear that their growth is suppose to be faster while staying healthier. Is that your
experience? I am wondering If they are so much healthier perhaps can hold off with the butchering until perhaps even 10 weeks old.... what's the cut off of growth/leveling off to maintenance weight in your experience? To get a bigger carcass...
I'm making -another- addition to their enclosure for the garden as they keep needing more space. I have an opportunity to try a new set up and thought you smart folks in Permieland will give your thoughts and advice.
No thought is too small to add to this discussion! Freely leave your words....
'ppreciate it!