As someone who has been on the path of trying to convert to organic
lawn care, I can understand the occasional feeling that for every step forward it seems we take two back. The process can be a little daunting. Many people have been conditioned to care for their lawns using traditional very unhealthy methods, and doing so are left with very unhealthy soil. We have become a society demanding instant gratification, buying one bag of something that guarantees instant results, can seem much more appealing than than the months or even years of coaxing your yard back to a healthy self sufficient environment. The choice is easy for me, but for those of you still sitting on the
fence, here's something to consider:
When we moved to our new house, our lawn was infested with grubs. Our lawn was a small field of weeds with only memories of grass. After researching natural remedies, (all listed on this site) I ventured down to the
local garden store in search of Milky Spore. The very helpful gentleman there informed me that using the spore was extremely effective, but could take a couple years to eliminate the infestation, instead I could purchase a couple of these red bags of stuff and have them gone by the end of the summer. I left with my spore.....THANK GOODNESS!!!
Most of us have heard about the plight of the
bees. The last I heard nearly 1/3 of North Americas
honey bee's had disappeared due to what scientists call colony collapse disorder. Of
course the cause has been up for debate among scientists. Unfortunately I do not believe that
enough people fully grasp the crucial role these little creatures play. While surfing the web, I came across an article at titled "Product Puts Beekeepers, Lawn Growers at Odds". It discusses the link between the chemical substance called "imidacloprid" commonly used to treat grubs and the collapse of the hives. I warrants taking a look.
Something to consider the next time you look at a beautiful flower, bite into a juicy piece of watermelon on a hot summers day or sweeten your cup of tea with a dollop of honey. Just how important is that green suburban lawn in the grand scheme of things?
I wanted to post this for those of you that come across this gem of a site , like I did, while surfing the web for answers. Most of us as consumers are left in the dark about the possible ramifications of using various products available to "beautify" our lawns, and I don't believe the average weekend warrior uses said products intending to cause harm to this amazing planet. Unfortunately our ignorance may cause lasting devastation.
The bees provide us with so much, what can we do to save them??? I am by no means an expert on the subject, but at the very least isn't the threat of losing some of our most treasured crops reason enough to commit to never putting synthetic yuck on our lawns again? and for goodness sake....PLANT SOME CLOVER