Hi! My name is Danny. I am 24 years old and in very good mental and physical shape. My intent for making this post is to reach out to a group or team that can utilize my talents. Although I am not the best writer, I hope my message is clearly received.
A little about myself.
My first garden was a five by five section of the main garden. I was successful at growing some tomatoes at four years old. Plants have always been at my core. Although I only became serious grower when I turned 18. I have almost two years
experience working and living on farms. Including three months on a budding
eco village. My main focus is to learn. It tickles me to gain knowledge. I would say my strongest asset is problem solving. This makes me an excellent farm hand, so I've been told. My weakest point is I can become restless if I am not tasked, and this has caused issues when down time is occurring. Some have said I am not a team player, I am working to adjust these weaknesses. I'm just a go getter and may go to fast for some. Living life fascinates me and I am very grateful to be alive.
My intentions.
I wish to find strangers that I can grow and learn with. Eventually calling these strangers family. I wish to join a person or team that is living the lifestyle that this site depicts. Whether it be a functioning system, or one that needs some tender loving care. I wish to be calm and work together.
My possible contributions.
Learning is very important to me. This has granted me a wide knowledge base. Having me on board is having a go to person when a
project or problem arises. I give valuable perspective, and if I dont, I work to better the situation no matter what. Even if it's a hug or a smile. My biggest contribution would come in my physicality. I can work all day, hard and efficient. If I make a mistake, I am almost always capable of correcting it. It is a goal of mine to not break something I cannot fix. My skills really are wide and varied to the point that I do not know I have it until it happens. Computers are not a mystery to me, although I stray away from wanting to code and build computers. I am courteous and kind to all customers and am a pretty good salesman. Take it that I'm selling plants. Finance is not my strong point, but I can make money fairly quickly.
Forgotten thoughts.
I own
enough gear to live in the woods. (really only enough for myself, but I do share) Most of it was salvaged or bought at thrift shops. I own a 1996 safari starcraft. It has minor issues, no tags or insurance, but it is a goal of mine to fix her up, pack my gear in, and hit the park's. My job at the nursery has ended for the season after about 9 months. This has left me pinching pennies and I do not think I will be investing heavily in my van. At this point I may just call a tow truck to pick it up. I only paid 600 for it in running condition so I am not attached to it. It is a sweeet van though. With that in mind I am even willing to store my gear and van, pack a pack and bag, and hit thegreyhound. I am pretty flexible.
If I have caught anyone's interest please inquire. I have a
Facebook and email so that we can potentially get to know one another.
My composition skills could use some work, I was never good with closings in school. If it may, thanks for reading and taking time to read. I hope this message was well received and that I find a team. Until then, have a great new year and may the wind be at your back.