I agree Casie. I got as far "I'm in the process of beginning a work of restoration on some land in E. Texas", and I was thinking, "oh this guy needs to here from Tyler Ludens, she lives in Texas and has done so much restoration work"...then I scroll down and see she posted (of
I have nothing to add simply because our climate is much cooler and also much wetter, but Tyler knows!! It is interesting how on forums you might never see someone, but you get a sense of who they are, their integrity and their ethics, and you just get a deep respect for them. I say this now in terms of Tyler Ludens specifically, but it applies to many on here. And certainly not to dismiss your work either Casie as I know you are from Texas as well.
Casie and Tyler can certainly advise you better, but I am wondering if you they might think sheep down the road would also help once the grass was established? If some nitrogen fixing grass types were added to the mix, sheep could graze those grasses and then return 85% of it back to where they grazed by pooing. Only after a good sward was established though.