Calling all smart people!
This post contains a plant guild chart. by the Urbania Hoeve. I had never seen it done that way so I decided to go over it and see how I can do something similar and more detailed for what I am working on so it's quicker/easier for me to set up my garden this spring. Reading off my typed up list is just a pain in my
experience. The thing is though that I ran into something odd.
All my research on guilds/companion planting states that tomatoes
should NOT be planted need potatoes. However the attached guild chart shows that tomatoes and potatoes are both in the Solanacea family. So why does the chart seem to imply you can/should plant them together?
Also from my research: tomatoes and lettuces grow well around each other. However this guild chart says that the Solanacea family (tomatoes) should NOT be planted near the Asteraceae (lettuce) family.
Am I having a blond moment here and just not understanding how to read the chart correctly or could this guild chart be off a bit?
Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts and experiences.