I’m seeking advice on purchasing
land in Australia. I came across a living off grid website called ourway.org.au. It stated that 2 hours away from any major
city cheap land can be purchased for as low as AU$ 1000. I registered but received no activation email and there is no moderator or email contact. So I don’t know if it is a legitimate site? So I was unable to post on their forum for information. I’ve tried searching real estate websites but seem to be for expensive urban/rural plots, existing property or vast farm size acerages. I’m interested in acquiring some essentially worthless rural bush land (overgrown, rocky, steep, disused quarries etc) ideally about 2 to 5 acres that is neither good for commercial property developers or agriculture. Previous
experience with real estate agents has been negative so I don’t want to contact any as they are time wasters. What is the best way to go about finding such land in Australia? I don’t want to place a wanted advert as it will up the price. If anybody has any suggestions please let me know.