I am planning my grey
water system and I have an idea on how to recover the wasted heat.
I am trying to both expanding and closing in my porch.
It is to become an attached green house.
I have built a vermicomposting filter for the kitchen grey water. It occured to me that the filter will retain some of the heat from the water that passes through it.
So if I run all the grey water through it, I will get an added boon,beyond the water itself.
The pipe would be 1 1/2". The plan is to run it from my washer,down and over the to
shower, drain in the room next to it, down the wall to the first floor and pick up the kitchen sink.
Check valves on each fixture and an open vent in case of any clogs.
The pipes
should be painted black ,I suppose,to pick up more heat.
Have to be careful though, worms can't survive at or above 95°. Perhaps insulation is a better idea.
The tote that holds the worms and their bedding will distribute the water to the
wood chipped black berry patch along side the drive way.
So some questions:
I know liquid water holds some heat, relative to a below freezing environment,no matter how cold it is, but should I be concerned that the washing machine water will be a detriment? We only wash with cold water.
I could send it another direction, and skip the filtering entirely.
Do you thing 1 1/2" pipes running outside of the wall will freeze solid or crack from thermal shock when
hot water hits it, or is 1 1/2" PVC tough
enough to deal with this abuse?
Might this work ,or am I missing a huge flaw the plan?