I have a few dozen pots and containers. I hardly ever change soil in them.
Most containers have several plants balancing each other. I really don't pay attention to balancing nitrogenfixers etc... So establishing an elaborate contact between pots is perhaps to labor intensive. Why not add plants to your existing pots ? One that works well for me is wild strawberry, others are lemon balm, orange mint, (blood) sorrel. One that does NOT work - it
should but really does not is thyme.
My basic soil mix for most of the containers is an enriched peatsoil to which i added sand. In some cases i added limestone or dolomite gravel. Later i further diversified with seashells or silex or shale. In some pots i have added the
local sandy loam. Sometimes i apply the rocks or shells as a stone mulch.
At the bottem of most containers i have a silex drainage layer.
Recently - the last 2 years or so - i added powdered lavarock 2 to 3 times each year. More to keep out bugs and slugs than to
boost soil fertillity.
I have used this method for years both indoor and outdoors and it seems to work. It seems to work though by all accounts it should not. I grow mostly herbs and strawberries in those pots. I reckon that by adding rocks of different composition and by keeping a different
water balance i help the weathering of the rocks. The plants take what's needed. There are natural fungi in the containers - i have inedible
mushrooms in late summer or autumn.
I should add that we have a fairly nitrogenrich precipitation in many parts of Belgium. So that probably helps. That is by the way No Adequate explanation because my first experiments were indoors and with cacti.