I first watched this when it came out on Netflix and just watched it again now. This film, along with some others,
should be required watching for all.
We try to grow as much as we can for the two of us, but do need to rely on others for much of our food. Where we can, we deal with others who are growing sustainably, but we also have to shop at
local supermarkets. We always try to buy as much as we can that is organic or all-natural when we shop in the supermarket, but the prices can be outrageous, sometimes unaffordable for us, and I am always concerned about where the organic food has come from and how long ago it was harvested, or what does a certain brand consider all-natural. As John Stanton said in the film, "Cyanide is all-natural."
I am greatly amazed as I watch other shoppers or look in their carts. The amount of meats, cold cuts, processed and ready-made dinners, junk food, etc. most are buying overwhelms me. I see most of these items as poison and am aware that most folks buying them don't have a clue, are addicted to them, have lives that are too busy, and/or just don't care that they are slowly killing themselves and their families.
Most folks are destroying their health, and America is destroying it's soil, water and air through an industrialized system of growing, processing and distributing that was meant to improve the lives of Americans, but has miserably failed. More and more people are waking up to this. I only hope and pray that many more do and the reborn sustainable movement continues to grow.