It's been a rainy spring up here in Maine, and the slugs are out with a vengeance. My tulips are getting chomped, and I walked into the
greenhouse today to see a bunch of my celery seedlings munched on! I'm 75% positive it's slugs... possibly it could be another pest I'm not aware of.
I'm setting out beer traps and have sprinkled
coffee grounds around the tulips (I know this might be an old wive's tale, but thought I'd try anyway). My next thought was that I could build a little toad house in the
greenhouse. I'm wondering if anyone has done this before, had success or no? The greenhouse can get rather warm, so I'm not sure if the toad would like it. But I do like the idea of a toad eating slugs instead of me just killing slugs (perhaps I'm too soft).
Anyhow, ideas appreciated! Thank you.