My late husband was researching heritage breeds, wanting a
sustainable and thrifty breed. When he found the Tamworth online - the Irish Grazer spoke to pasture pig, which we wanted. Bacon Pig vs Lard Pig was key - so we were not be interested in the Old Spot, or any lard pig for that reason. Medium sized, good mothering, and good temperament were all key. However one extra factor - was actually a mistake: there was some private farm blogs/websites that said the Tamworth was NOT a rooter. As our place is small - that was also a plus - but that is not the case - oh well.
That being said, I've had the
experience of almost no rooting in ONE paddock, the one with a mature crop of chicory. That paddock lasted two full years, with two boars growing up there. PS: No toxicity issues in those two years, nor during their lives thereafter.
Personally, I like the great orange color, preferably with golden tones, but the orange-burgundy coloring is OK. I also greatly prefer the upright ears, bright golden brown eyes, long clean lines and no squished-up noses. Their
energy, enthusiasm, and smarts. You've heard never put a hot wire across a gate that you ever plan to take them through? 95% of my experience with the Tams - young and old - experienced and not - they are smart enough to figure it out within 5 minutes - if that. Also will strip graze - walking forward daily where the hot wire used to be.
As for violence or aggressiveness - when babies are screaming - absolutely they will threatened you. Also, strangers approaching is an alert, they let you know they are aware, then as they see everything is OK, the tone quiets. Also, more or less, I believe, based on how hormonal at that exact moment. I've noticed more with some mothers than others, if they are cycling or very postpartum, ramps up the crankiness. Which seems logical and appropriate. Good, strong, survival instincts is something that we look for, or at least expect and understand in the heritage breeds.