Yes, read, read... I've been reading for last few months, spring is coming, I
should plant something but I'm still reading
I liked a lot Patrick Whitefield - How to make a forest garden, I'm reading it again for the 3rd or 4th time. But first and most important book I've read on
permaculture subject was
Sepp Holzer's "Poljodjelac buntovnik" (Rebel Farmer). It does not
answer on question "how" but on "why". It gave perfect reasons to start with permaculture for me, before that I just wanted a regular monoculture orchard and a lot of money.
As I learned so far, permaculture is a way of thinking, once you accept this new way everything starts to look different, some things becoming acceptable and was not before, and some things suddenly become so weird. I believe the most important is to have this different point of view, but since you are here I guess you already have.