I have never been to prison or know anyone who has ... I am just looking for something easy with easy convenient things I have on hand ... to use as a learning
Kicker (Prison Wine)
by Nick Crouch
10 peeled oranges cut into wedges
10 browned, soft apples cut into wedges
1 cup Sugar in the Raw
1 yeast packet
16 oz and 1 cup warm
8 oz can of fruit cocktail
1 packet of raisins
1. Combine the fruit cocktail, apples, raisins and oranges in a 1-gallon Ziploc bag and mash them up taking care to not pop the bag. Once the fruit is beaten into a pulp, add the raw sugar and mix.
2. Add the 16 ounces of warm water to the bag and then seal it. Submerge the sealed bag in a sink of warm water for 15 minutes.
3. In a bowl mix the yeast packet with a cup of warm water and 3 teaspoons of raw sugar and wait til it froths up. Add this to the bag of mushy fruit then store in a dark place.
4. Every day for seven to eight days pour warm water (not hot) over the bag then wrap it in a towel and store. Never allow the bag to cool, else the yeast will die.
5. As part of the fermenting process, the bag will bloat up from the
carbon dioxide so you’ll need to burp it by opening the bag and releasing the carbon dioxide. Repeat this process every day until there’s no longer any bloating.
6. Filter the contents through a cheesecloth. Enjoy on the rocks