Bow hunting season starts in 44 days.
Wood walking, tracking, rub/scrape spotting is always in vogue this time of year.
Unfortunately, in April I had a bout of pneumonia.
I had been running 7 minute miles (not bad for 47)
I'm down to 8:45
I've been cutting down on
coffee, bumping up on teas, lots of pushups (100 on waking and another 100 before bed) high protein, low carb.
I still have lung problems. Still have a deep chest rattle in my lower left lung. Feel like I'm running about 75-80% of normal.
Since the doctors and hospitals cost me 25% of my last 4 paychecks (with federal government approved health insurance), I have to get myself back into reasonable hunting condition in an affordable manner.
Any ideas on my situation?