I changed the subject line from "invoking
the 48 hour rule" to "somebody trying to rip off permies?" The 48 hour rule is awesome if you have a
thread on permies that has not received an excellent answer in 48 hours. This seems like a different thing.
supported your kickstarter for the PDC and Appropriate Design courses
Then I started getting emails asking me to buy content than seemed like the same stuff. I've attached the email and my failed attempt to clear it up. Here's the information I get when I look at who sent it:
from: Josiah Wallingford <josiah@permaetho.com>
Great job! You have found a nasty culprit trying to rip us off! We will send our associates, Guido, Vito and Josiah out to have a chat with this
Oh ... wait .... The email is FROM josiah.
During all of the
PDC and
ATC, and during all of the kickstarter, and for weeks before that, Josiah put in a HUGE amount of help in pulling it all off. He asked for nothing but a copy of all the content that he could use in his permaethos stuff. And he promised that he would never offer that content for less than what the kickstarter supporters paid.
And as if that isn't
enough, Josiah and I do a weekly show together called "Permaculture Smackdown".
So, the moral of the story is:
You, John-Eric Robinson, are
fucking awesome for bringing this to our attention. You smelled a rat and reported it.
Apple for you sir. And a piece of pie too.
Josiah is fucking awesome for all that he does too.
Everything is right as rain.