It's been awhile since I've ventured over to Permies, but I found myself thinking back to this topic as the Universe has been throwing "one idea" people in my direction lately. In particular, the type that are self-proclaimed "thinker/visionaries", but don't put any work into their ideas.
"I thought of it, so give me 20% profits"
"remember that idea I gave you, you owe me"
etc etc.
It's a tough world these days, so i don't take it with much offense - everyone's just trying to put bread on the table.
But when you realize how much effort it takes to get even a relatively simple idea off the ground, you quit worrying about who's going to utilize your ideas - it's too much effort for them. Even if the idea gets brought to fruition, most people lack the basic business knowledge to make it profitable. It's reminiscent of the "Dream Big" post here on Permies. People who stay dreamers like holding onto One Idea because it's an easy script to tell people, in many cases over years, without actually putting much work into achieving it. Excessive Emotional Investment without Action and Planning = Stuck in a state of perpetual fantasy.
There is also the battle of dealing with people who want to tell you their "great ideas" all the time, but much like the App Store, 95% are crap. I tend to stay away from people who don't at least have a track record of trying to implement a few of their own ideas.
It's also important to note that you can tell your ideas to people, but many won't have the expertise to understand it anyways. As it's said in The Richest Man in Babylon "you don't ask the brick maker for advice on fine silks". The average person has average ideas/understandings of the world.
At the end of the day, if you see a need for a product/service to solve a problem, can understand why it's not implemented already, and have a plan to bring it to the market in an efficient way, then go for it regardless of what anyone says. At worst you'll gain the
experience of "processing ideas", that is, turning dreams into reality. The faster this process becomes, the faster new ideas come into your consciousness.
I'd rather spend a few hundred or thousand $ prototyping an idea, than to hold onto it for years taking up valuable space in my head.