Q1 - Will my garden be an attractant to bears?
no bears here,but
rabbits, chipmunks and
deer will go after any garden. Last year had an annoying
mouse that invaded my
greenhouse (cant let the cats as they thnk my fluffy beds are better than a catbox)
Q2 - I'm thinking of building my frame a little taller than 6 inches (12 perhaps) and putting 6" of rotting sticks in first, as a bit of hugulkultur action to help reduce the need to water when it gets into August. Will 6 inches of sticks even help?
drainage is always good... fluffy beds drain pretty well tho. Back inthe dy Mel encouraged double digging ( i have even been known to tripple dig)
Q3 - the book just says to put the frame on top of the grass with weed cloth. OK, but would it not even do better if I dug up the grass and gave the roots the chance to head even deeper? If they wanted to send a tap root way down, why would I want to prevent that with weed cloth?
I tried the just build thebed on grass - but my grass is kuackgrass (my letter "cue" key is dead on my keyboard
and it will come up thru almost anything. the only way to kill kwackgrass is to starve it out for at least 2 year, 3 is best. Completely cover the area (i use old carpet) do not water or let any light in.
I use both structured beds and freeform raisedbeds
Q4 - seeds or starts. I might try both and see which do better. Thoughts?
I use both where i can, but my area only get 80 days frost to frost so I use
alot of started plants
Q5 - when should I start planting?
We cant plant outdoors here till June first , we plant potatoes on Memorial Day - may look niceer before but they always get frosted back.