Hello Folks,
I'm new here. In the last 4 weeks I've emersed myself into perma, hoogle, and poly everything. It all started when a friend of mine downloaded The Survivalists pod cast on my iPod. Paul wheaton was being interviewed. Then I unwittingly backed into a bunch of Salatin info. I've got my 16 x 40 ft
greenhouse almost ready and I can't wait to put a rocket heater in there. Going to get my Soil Cube maker ordered, my sq ft gardens made (for a quick harvest), my Sonic Bloom spray and frequency for my fruit
trees, etc, etc, etc,.
Now for the numbers....
I'm very interested in raising poultry and
beef the Salatin way. I love Paul Wheaton's article on
chickens and have tried to use some of his numbers to come up with a workable plan. I have 10 acres, but I know that I could utilize at least 4 or more acres for
chickens. Here is what I've come up with for 4 acres.....
chickens on a 100 sq ft paddock would have to be moved once a day.
20 chickens on a 700 sq ft paddock would have to be moved once a week.
One acre (43,560) divided by a 700 sq ft paddock = 62 days.
40 chickens on a 1,400 sq ft paddock would have to be moved once a week.
One acre (43,560 sq ft) divided by a 1,400 sq ft paddock = 31 days.
The electric poultry netting I'm purchasing is 164 feet. Made into a circle, the area would be 3.14 x 26(Radius) x 26(R) = 2,122 sq ft
Going from 1,400 to 2,122 is a 50% increase. Therefore the chicken count would increase 50% as well. We would then add 20 chickens to the 40.
60 chickens on a 2,122 sq ft paddock would have to be moved once a week.
One acre (43,560) divided by a 2,122 sq ft paddock = 20 days.
Not quite
enough for a full cycle of 28 to 30 days.
14505 sq ft is needed in addition to the full acre. This is equal to nearly a 1/3 of an acre.
To even everything out, I would need (3) 2,122 sq ft paddocks for an even 4 acres of
land that would cycle every 28 days or so, give or take a day.
3 x 2,122 sq ft = 6,366 sq ft
43,560 sq ft x 4 = 172,240 sq ft
172,240 sq ft divided by 6,366 sq ft = 27 days.
Are my numbers correct?