Hello all,
I am trying to design a rocket mass hot tub and come in search of advice: Thank you!
I have attempted to post a drawing of my basic concept, labelled "hot tub plan 1," but if it fails, here is a synopsis:
It would be an outdoor system.
I hope to create a heat cyphon with a copper coil positioned around the barrel of a 4" j-tube system, and with its ends communicating to tank aperatures of high,
hot water inlet and low, cool
water outlet, respectively.
I would position an IBC tank so that it was conductively heated by the
rmh's exhaust system inferiorly while being ciculated with
hot water from the ciphon. The tub's sides would be insulated but its top would remain open during stove
Here are my questions
A. First of all, is this a sufficiently open system to be safe with a copper coil?
B. Secondly, Are there resistance variables defined by water weight that affect the safety of such a system used with a nearly full 275-gallon IBC tank of water?
C. I would also like to install filters on the interior of the tank over each aperture to prevent debris from accumulating in the coil. Would the added resistance of a thin, non-insulative membrane contribute dangerous resistance
to water flow through the coil?
D. How do I calculate coil tubing diameter?
Should it be consistent between outlet and inlet?
E. As drawn in the image labelled "hot tub plan 2," Would it be desirable to elevate the tub
enough to allow cool outlet water to issue from the tank bottom at the same level as, and feeding into the coil's top?
Would the resulting water weight be sufficient to push heated water down the coil and back up and out of a spigot overhanging the rim of the tank by a few inches so that it could act as pressure-relief and temperature gauge as it passes
through the intervening air between siphon and tank?
I am interested in using one of the 4" precast refractory j-tube cores from dragonheaters.com
I have searched and found nothing specifically devoted to this topic, but please forgive my oversight if this has been previously covered.
I welcome any advice, criticism or precaution.
Thank you kindly,