Hi All; As the boy scouts say always be prepared. My 3 pigs this year , Rosemary , Sage and Fennel were all happy , fattened up and ready for their Wednesday morning truck ride to meet the butcher... 3 days before while working down in the field , I noticed that only 2 piggys were out watching me... Fennel was no where to be seen... I found her in their "bed room" laying down and not jumping up as I approached , that alone was
enough to tell me how bad she was feeling. She wasn't interested in food and she was not going to get up for me, but her sisters came in and raised such a ruckus that she got up on her own. She stayed up and went out with the others but had no interest in anything and was standing there with her tail uncurled .... swaying , looking like she might drop at any moment. After awhile she went and lay down outside her room . As per Murphys Law this happened on a Sunday when the vet wasn't available even on his emergency line .... I needed to take her temperature (LOL
should have made a
video) digital thermo's take a certain amount of time to lock on a number... that time is about a minute longer than an adult piggy wanted to be violated... After following her around the pen a few laps and many new attempts .... I finally got a solid beep 105.5 oh no 102.5 is normal. I keep syringes and antibiotic on the shelf, an inter-muscular shot behind the ear and a night wondering if she would be OK ... the next morning finds her still laying down and not getting up .... But when I brought her some comfrey leaves she ate them ! Then she took some bites of a
honey crisp YES !!! after that she got up and looked for more ! She was on the mend ! By the evening she was in the truck eating grain !!! Next morning she was running around being crazy piggy with her sisters. If I hadn't had that medicine on hand I think I would have lost her by Monday morning. Rule number one is the vet will be closed when you really need one..." Always be prepared" should be a livestock persons motto as well ! Now my biggest problem is for 28 days after an antibiotic shot she can not go to the butcher.... her sisters left Wednesday I have a lonely piggy ! She sees me up in the
yard and she starts talking . They always came quick before but now shes on the run when I go down... poor thing. I don't want to buy another piglet for the 3 weeks she has left ,I guess i'll just have to visit her more ... The wife and I went grocery shopping the other day .... one of the items she bought was a carton of baby spinach leaves ... on the way home she tells me that ... well actually the spinach isn't for us it is for fennel... Ha Ha Ha and she calls them MY piggys the softy.