I would think you would have to get that custom made, or make it yourself. It would have such a limited market that to produce it, and make it UL rated, the number of units sold would be so low it would be unfeasible.
I did something similar with a pot bellied stove years ago, but it did not contain the blower to heat the room, it drew in air from the outside and directly into the firebox. In my application it was overkill and I went to a bimetal draft control that worked much better. I am sure you have seen them. The bimetal spring gets warmed by the
wood stove and so the draft door shuts closing off the air and damping down the fire, but if it gets too cool it opens the draft door back up and the fire takes off again. You set it with a control knob and it worked perfectly. No electricity and so simple it worked automatically.
I have no recommendation for the room blower. It would be easy
enough to fabricate, but I am not sure about how it would look.
Myself, I went in a much different direction than what you propose, but it is neither right nor wrong, just different. In that case I surrounded my stove (a pot bellied stove) with 1-1/2 tons of rock. That was used as a heat sink and helped to even out the temperature fluctuations of the stove. It worked extremely well and would work well in your room. I say that because my kitchen is 24 x 40, about the same as yours.
As for stoves, I like pot bellied stoves but round stoves abound especially in old
wood stove shops. You can find many round ones known as base burners in both wood and coal variations, or known loosely as parlor stoves.