When cleaning the house, many people resort to the barbaric, primitivism of broom and dustpan, combined with a vacuum cleaner. Sometimes they use a feather duster as well. To my shame, I was guilty of wasting time that way myself, before discovering the proper way of doing it.
Introducing, cordless leaf blower home cleaning. The cleaner, better way.
I first started using a blower, to clean vacant houses, that are my job sites, when I am involved with house moving. Quite often, the occupants leave a bit of junk behind, and it's necessary for me to make cuts, to build temporary walls and other things that make the house dirty.
My strategy is simple. I only blow the houses when the wind is coming from a definite direction. When the gusts are coming from multiple directions on a sunny day, this makes it difficult to choose a direction to blow. Patio doors and other big doors, make the best openings, but a window can work in a pinch.
There are a few things to consider, before blowing a house clean. There can't be a lot of very light, loose items like Christmas
cards and the silly little knick-knacks that never
should have been bought. Clear the house of obvious things like that, and then start blowing. Test wind direction, before you do anything else.
I always start by giving the floors a rudimentary sweep or vacuum, if there is a lot of accumulation. This prevents floor debris from becoming airborne. Then, I start at the ceiling, moving the blower in an oscillating fashion. I use the lowest setting on paintings, lamp shades, and other things that are likely to be knocked about. When cleaning cobwebs from stipple ceilings, I press the turbo button, so that my
ego blower gives me 480 cubic feet per minute. That's the amount of air coming out of the mouth of the machine, but a moving body of air drags more with it, so that in good conditions you can move thousands of cubic feet per minute.
Back to blowing. I give every dust-collecting surface a little shot of air, and then just blow all of the big surfaces. The stream is always directed in the right direction to work with the wind, in carrying the dust out of the house. Once all of the dust from the ceiling and wall surfaces, is airborne, I start blowing the floors, in the direction of the wind. Pet hair and dander are easily stirred up, so I generally make a quick pass, with the blower on the lowest setting. I hit Turbo, for just a moment when material must be blasted from beneath couches and appliances. Large plants are given special attention. When conditions are right, it generally takes me about 20 minutes to completely clean a three-bedroom house. That's all surfaces. Ceiling, walls, floors, pictures, mirrors, trims and curtains.
Really dusty curtains and other fabrics are given special attention. They can often be hit in a manner that allows them to oscillate and be shaken out like a rug. I take door mats and other rugs outside. The type with a rubber backing, are placed upside down on the pavement. The blower is pointed at them on the turbo setting, while one foot holds the mat in place. They generally move in a flopping wave pattern, which quickly shakes out all of the debris. The constant stream of air means that none of that debris remains under the mat.
Back inside. When a house is really dirty, it is sometimes necessary to do the first blow, then wait for things to settle out and give it a run with the vacuum cleaner. This prevents dust from being spread everywhere again. I always end it , with a very quick blowing of all upper surfaces again, so that fine dust becomes airborne. I then stand back about 15 feet from the exit door, and set the machine to move about 250 cubic feet of air per minute. When standing at this distance, much more air is forced out of the building. The blower can be placed with an elastic on the control, and allowed to run a few minutes.
When it's all done, there is usually a small amount of heavy debris against the wall of the house, near the exit door. Sweep it up.
This sounds like a lot of steps, but it is incredibly fast, when compared to actually getting to all of those surfaces yourself. This isn't an everyday cleaning for most people, but doing it occasionally, particularly in homes with cats and other fluffy creatures, can rid your home of massive quantities of light dust and debris that you may not know you have.
My friend's townhouse, that is pictured below, was incredibly dusty , after 2 months of renovation. Dust had invaded every crevice and was sitting on every surface. I wore my asbestos mask, during the beginning stages of this clean up.
Her place is 3 stories tall. After cleaning the lower floor, I opened the doors down there, and opened the big patio door on the next level. The place was nice and warm, so the stack effect, helped to really increase the amount of wind blowing up the stairs, and out the big glass door.
I did it when it was nice and sunny outside. It's easy to see if it's working, when thousands of little cat hairs are glistening in the sun.
She had a grand opening, housewarming party the other day. People walked around in sock feet and with bare feet, with no little chunks of anything to stick to their feet.
Sometimes, after being blown, some surfaces will still retain a thin layer that doesn't want to blow off. I found that drywall dust clings to certain surfaces. So, there's still a need to occasionally use a damp cloth. But this dust isn't eager to become airborne. Very important for those with allergies.
I have a friend who has serious issues with dust. We are going to try this occasionally. I will do it while she is not in the house. After the doors have been left open for half an hour, with the wind wafting through, the home will have far less dust, than when I began.