Two more for the list:
Herbalist Gathering II in Rice, WA - Aug 13-14 _(, with Michael "Skeeter" Pilarski.
This is a continuation of last year's gathering for Inland NW herbalists where Ayurvedic / Oriental healers, tribal & traditional healers, folk herbalists, naturopaths, flower essense and aromatherapy practitioners share notes and discuss the future of herbalism in our area. Workshops, plant walks, lots of fresh, delicious meals; meet other herbalists from around the region! Ann Harman of Morning Myst Botanics will do a hydrosol distillation demonstration (you'll see her at Rootstalk Fest, too).
3-day Affordable, Hybrid Construction
Workshop in Rice, WA - July 2-4; July 22-24_( with Robert Merrill (aka
Straw Man). No construction
experience required. Apply principles of
permaculture design and build a structure using straw bales, rammed tires, lots of rocks, used lumber/timber, recycled windows, etc.
Tent camping or group dorm available and everyone cooks together!