I asked a friend that raises mule foot hogs, he informed me that they do just like my American guinea hogs, they will
root some but as long as there is greenery to be had. Limit how much they root around by daily moving to new pasture space.
My hogs root when they want earthworms or grubs or
roots for their diet. otherwise the only rooting they do is to create their wallow just the way they want it.
If my friend is right, then your MF hogs will browse tender leaves they can reach, rub the bark off any tree they want to scratch on, push over small trunked trees from their rubbing and they will create a wallow that is large
enough for all of them to mud bath at the same time.
They will eat grass right down (kind of like sheep) or rip it out by the roots, they will need to be moved every day if they have a small area to
feed from (1/4 acre is done in one day by three hogs).