I am looking for these plants:
# Ribes (currents, gooseberries, jostaberries) - Named cultivars ONLY
# Burr Oak "Maximus" + Any other Zone 5 hardy sweet acorns
# Vanilla Orchid (Vanilla planifolia)
# Sempervivums and other hardy succulents
# Sea Kale (named cultivars)
# Pedicularis canadensis
# pedicularis groenlandica
# Goumi (esp dwarf cultivars)
# Seaberry (named cultivars only)
# Rebutia arenacea
# Honeyberry (named cultivars only)
# kava kava (Piper methysticum)
# Fuki (Petasite giganteus)
# Slippery Elm
I have to offer:
* I also cultivate
mushrooms, i have slants/wedges to trade any time and spawn for outdoor use in the earl spring. Just ask, i have many species.
*Sea Onion (bowiea volubilis) special trades only.
* Delosperma bosseranum special trades only
* Kanna (sceletium tortulosum) special trades only
* 'echinopsis chamaecereus' - Peanut Cactus (many, super easy to propagate)
* Varigated Spider plant offsets
* Jade Tree - Can take cuttings any time (large and small leaf varieties
* Astilbe
* hostas (i have long ago lost the names)
* Kousa Dogwood
* lady's mantle
* Shasta Vibernum
* Siberian iris
* Mad-Dog Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora)
* Lemon Balm
* Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla vulgaris) (few)
* Jack-in-the-pulpit (few)
* Anise-Hyssop
Water Celery (Oenanthe javanica)
* Chinese artichoke (Stachys sieboldii)(few)
* Hardy Kiwi "meader" male and female (unrooted cuttings)
* Sweetfern (Comptonia peregrina)
* Staghorn Sumac
* Chives
* Egyptian Walking Onions
* Evergreen scallions
Mouse Garlic (Allium angulosum)(few)
* Allium nutans(few)
* Daylilly "stella doro"
* Sedum "autumn joy"
* Hens and chicks
* Sweet Woodruff
* Comfrey -both the regular and the sterile seeded "bocking 14"
* Valerian
* Catnip
* thimbleberry
* Rubarb
* Hops-fuggle, nugget and cascade... but i don't know which is which.
* Night blooming Cereus