Thanks for the question! Much depends, of
course on how much shade you have . . . etc etc, but here are a few ideas. There are many medicinals I would grow in shade too, but you are asking for edibles, so ....
My favorite shade-loving edible, by very far, is wild leek or ramps, Allium tricoccum. DELICIOUS sweet onion flavor, spring ephemeral (green for about a month in spring, dormant the rest of the year), each bulb puts out two donkey-ear-shaped leaves. I usually harvest only one leaf per plant, but that's because my patch is still establishing and I'm trying to let them make seed and spread and keep coming back each year. They prefer rich moist soil under deciduous trees. My patch is under a crabapple and doing fine even in sandy soil (with lots of
compost), though I expect they'd be better off in loamier, moister soil.
Other ones I like or would try:
mushrooms, of course!
- miner's lettuce, Montia (now Claytonia) perfoliata
- Ostrich fern, Matteuccia struthiopteris (fiddleheads)
- Amphicarpaea bracteata, ground bean (the common-er name "hogpeanut" is a slight against
native people, so I shy away from that name)
- giant Solomon's seal, Polygonatum commutatum biflorum
- hosta (early spring shoots edible)
- if you have a lot of room and aren't afraid of a potential monster, fuki, Petasites japonica
- rhubarbs can actually do OK in shade
- violets of almost any stripe, but especially cultivars Rebecca, Little David, or Delicia, which taste like a mix of vanilla and wintergreen (yum!)
There are others, but this will have to do for now.
Peace! And enjoy.