I have some
land about 14 miles from where I live where I keep horses at present, and am trying to do something with. The problem is that someone (I think I know who it is) keeps going over and opening the gates. One time I actually found the gate taken off the hinges!
There is no question it is deliberate..two of us were moving
straw onto the place and between trips someone opened the gate. I could lock it, but then I'm afraid that whoever it is will cut the
The person I think (am pretty sure!!) it is wants to get the land from me; when I first got here he offered me about 1/3 of the value of the land and told me nothing would ever grow there. (so why did he want it?) Other neighbors have offered to help with various things but have told me to watch out for this guy and they won't have anything to do with him. Last fall he told actually TOLD me that he had tried to make the horse come back to his place but they wouldn't follow him!!
About 5 years before I got here, when I bought the place I lived/worked about 10 hours drive away) I had leased the land to him for two consecutive years for pasture in exchange for the fencing being brought up to date and taxes ($90 year). I then told him 2 years before I got here that I was intending to bring horses so I wanted the grass left, so I didn't want to lease the land. When I arrived, I found 30 cow/calf pairs, and a couple of metal feeders on the land, and the grass taken down to bare soil. And the
fence next to falling down. So he is a sleaze
bucket that at least some neighbors are afraid of crossing.
I have told him I have planted lupin around the place to help build the soil (lupin is poisonous to
cattle) but I think he doesn't believe me (it's also poisonous to horses). I have thought about opening the gates to HIS pastures and letting his cattle out but that seems to be being as sleazy as he is.
I phoned him last summer and told him to keep an eye out for his cattle etc as someone was leaving gates open and that stopped it for about a month but now it's started again.
Any creative ideas that don't involve napalm or Hell's Angels would be appreciated.