Hello Robert that was a rather brief topic listing. I can tell you how I've managed to make money while building. I got into the demolition business specifically as a means of accessing free building materials. In fact they were less than free since it costs about $175 per ton to dispose of an unwanted building where I live in Victoria British Columbia. In any
city anywhere on this planet where dumpage rates approach $100 per ton you can make a decent living while accessing all of the materials you've ever desired or dreamed about. My personal contribution to this planet has been the recycling of approximately 15,000 tons of building materials. Most of these items I sold. I gave away lots of free
firewood and other items and I saved a perfectly good house and had it moved to a new location. My family lived there for 14 years. The very concept of purchasing new materials is foreign to me since it's quite easy to find this common resource. Demolition waste makes up about 30% of the total waste stream in North America. If you do this you will never have to purchase firewood or oil since all houses contain
wood and many will have partially filled oil tanks. Hook up with others in the business and you can trade for whatever you don't personally produce. I could write a book on this subject but I think you l get in the idea.