Hello all,
Part of our long-term plan was to get some comfrey started in at least one of the worn-out fields we own to start pulling up nutrients and allow for some chop-and-drop soil improvement over time. With a million projects going on this (first) spring we just never got to the comfrey
NOW we find some comfrey growing up at the beginning of the entrance road to the property. Not much, maybe 10-12 plants. Prior owner may have started them. The plants are about 2-3 feet tall and have started to flower. We are zone 5 and after a long, wet, cool spring I'm surprised to see them moving up and along so quickly... I'm thinking it might be time to use these plants to launch the planned comfrey-field sooner rather than later.
The question is - is this a good time to dig them up or otherwise propagate them? if so - how to do it? if not - when?
I've heard that the
roots of Comfrey can be cut into pieces and this seems the best way to quickly multiply numbers.
Should I did the plants and cut up the roots? If I plant these now can I still expect adult plants by the end of summer? will they flower and seed?
... or should I wait through the season for seeds and gather and disperse seeds and
root cuttings then ?