Storing more water could help stop flash floooding too, lots of small and big ponds to fill upstream would reduce the flooding downstream, this is something
sepp holzer mentions but he does it in the
video that is in spanish, he was talking about it in south america.
I heard that the area flooded by the Missisipi this years was the size of italy!! What does that do to global food production?
Add to that drought in China and the East of europe this year.
The problems is to legislate when you can fill your ponds and when you cant, so that people aren't hoarding water in dry weathertha
should help those at all levels of a river.
Also plants absorb
carbon it can be stored in the soil in glomalin, look up glomalin in google and fulvic and humic acids, you can look them up too, and the production of these carbon holding bits of soil is reduced by tradtional chemical farming.
So much of the earth surface is left bare, or left fallow if it is used for wheat or bare because of overgrazing. If we always keep the soil covered in vegetation and look after soils better we can greatly reduce carbon in the air.
The present moment is not a moment when we can forget any instrument with in our reach to stop global warming, how many floods and tornaddoes do we have to have to get people really trying with clean
energy and with sinking as much carbon as possible in plants increasing the plant cover.
Untill now there has been no really pressing reason to keep the ground covered that we knew of, now there is. to sink as much carbon as possible. Also ground heats in the sun the sunlight gets turned to heat energy instead of light when the sun hits earth which is less likely to happpen if it hits plant matter dead or alive. so covering the earth keeps us cooler it prevents us warming up
Leaves are also very reflective they reflect light back up skyward. agri
rose macaskie.