Rachel Lee wrote:Hello, all!
I discovered this interesting tulip deformity, and am intrigued. In theory, could I harvest its seeds and possibly grow other tulips like this?
Thanks for your time!
It's possible I suppose, although I'm not sure how easy it would be to collect seeds from a tulip since they primarily multiply through bulb divisions. It can be done, but apparently, it is not easy. However, my guess is that you have a tulip stem with cellular-level damage of some sort. If it is damage rather than genetics, it will be a one-of-a-kind. (It reminds me of the old junior high science
class example that says if you breed a rat with a short tail it may pass on short tails to its offspring, but if you cut off a rat's tail, the offspring will still have normal length tails.) Something probably scraped the stem at a leaf or flower node--hard to tell which it was trying to be--as it was forming and made it grow into that weird little leaf-like curl. Can't hurt to mark the spot where the bulb is and see if it comes up like that again, but I seriously doubt if it will. But that's just my opinion.
Also, you can post images here by clicking on the button that says Img (above) and then put the url for the photo in the box that pops up. (You can find the URL on your photos by left-clicking on the photo to enlarge it, then right-clicking to make a window pop up, then selecting Image Info from that menu. Copy and paste the highlighted line into the box.) If that is as clear as mud, just tell me and I will try again.