Amit, while you easily could teach a PDC centric course, I would suggest that you go a slightly different route. You have more formal training than the people who have a PDC certificate. I suggest that you use that and capitalize on that. There are several ways that you can accomplish this.
I would have you teach a
class that focuses on your knowledge, and how it applies to PDC. Rather than trying to adapt your knowledge to a pdc class, I would much rather hear how conservation planning certification benefits PDC training, and how its fundamentals apply directly to permaculture. Think of this as promoting your own version of permaculture design, but focus on the why that you have made specific decisions in your garden. You
should be able to explain the science of how things affect different aspects of permaculture in more detail than other people.
Yes, this is just taking a different slant, but I would like to see some more scientific principles applied. Much of what I have seen seems regurgitated from other people, and there's very little connecting of why this affects that, and how this theory works in the long run. You may also take a different secondary approach, talking about how having an Earth Science degree does not make you qualified for teaching a PDC. Here is where you can add in the knowledge that you have gained over the past 7 years with your own garden and from the permaculture community itself. There are many things that are not taught in school, and some things that go directly against school taught ideals of how gardens and ecology should work. If you think out of the box, you can create quite a unique presentation.
To me, it sounds as though you would be a great supplementary presentor at a PDC. I would enjoy hearing about the challenges facing students who want to be educated in PDC, as there is very little of that coursework taught at colleges. It's more how school knowledge needs to be taken and adapted for the use with PDC. Anyways, it's tough for me to make suggestions without knowing a bit more about your passions and knowledge topics. I hope my thoughts have helped you a tad.