Thank you both. I've no fungal probs so yeah, i wanna build soil TCEC, friability. Both those go hand in hand. Sadly, my prax lags behind this understanding. Planting seems impossible thru kooch/quack/twitch grass
root matting, also with all the other weeds...i like to eat, BTW. They say even kooch
roots have inulin & other nutritional benefits. But i dont eat 'em...yet. I read Masanoba
Fukuoka almost 20 yrs ago, and still only recently realized his reason behind, for instance, his random broadcast of seedballs, densely even, if i remember correctly. That eventually what you want to take root and proliferate would overtake...really? This combined with an abundance of well sourced mulch work so we dont have to disturb soil structural integrity. Saddens me I feel i gotta dig up soil, partic those areas of our garden with reasonably good friability. ...Huh, bokashi is anaerobic and fermented yet doesn't stink...or does it? Of course it doesn't stink when confined in a drum, crock or whatever, but i think they referring to the finished product, but i've found aerobic compost tea smells way better than when left to open fester. i guess that's not anaerobic like under airlock or in a harsch. I watched one of David's youtube vid, the one attached to this post and noticed you didn't mention molasses. I guess that's just for yeast to eat. Well lock me in the beginner's forum! OgreNick