I think there is a reason why variation exists in a population for pest and disease resistance.
Take a
land race population of wheat for example. This wheat might be coevolving with a rust. So in the
landrace of wheat you might find some wild crop relatives like jointed goat grass and even several species of wheat at multiple ploidy levels. Hybridization within and between species and ploidy levels is a continuous ongoing process. Ripening time is variable. Plants vary in size, height, and productivity.
In regards to the rust some wheat plants may be totally immune, others totally susceptible, others having varying degrees of tolerance or resistance. Different genes drive these different strategies. When rust attacks a given plant it may not need genes that would allow it to attack another. The susceptible plants do great when rust has a bad year. The susceptible plants also foil the rusts attempts to evolve countermeasures.
Contrast this with a modern wheat. This wheat was developed using a process of doubled haploid anther culture or by extreme inbreeding. Its been selected for multiple rust resistancr gened but it is all genetically identical. If rust does manage to attack one plant- that same rust can attack the entire field even if it is 10,000 acres.
So if your collards have three aphid strategies susceptibility, resistance, and immunity. I would try to save some seed from all three. The susceptible plants will give the aphids a home during bad aphid years. They will do great in years when aphids arent the problem. The resistant plants may provide an alternate strategy, and the immune plants may always do great in aphid years, but might not be the best stock in years when aphids are few.
This makes a lot of assumptions though. That the aphids are the disease and not just a symptom. That genes or at least one gene is at play in the collards. That it's resistance to aphids and not
ants that tend the aphids. That the plants aren't being attacked randomly or based on conveneince to an ant colony or colonies that are tending the aphids.
Depending on your population size your collards may already be a highly inbred population. The three aphid s trategies you see could be controlled by a single gene. Some plants have no copies, some have one copy, and others have two copies. If you did want to follow the modern wheat strategy, and it was the case of a single gene, you should be able to eliminate the non resistant strain fairly fast by saving seed only from the mostly immune plants.
However if you have a copy of Carol Deppes book you might want to review it to see what she says about population sizes and inbreeding in brassicas. Also before you purge the population of non-resistance genes you might want to follow carols advice on drying some seed down and freezing it for a backup- in case it turns out later that those genes have some other function like say mildew resistance in years when aphids aren't the problem.