I remember this great National Geographic map that had people faces all over it, and it showed how as you go across Asia the faces change subtley from the face of, for instance, one part of China to another, and how they slowly change toward the
dryer regions to the west of most of China to have more European features, and the same is true of the faces of Europeans within Europe, and also fading slowly into the more Asiatic Artic, or down into North Africa, and then Africans slowly fading into the faces of that we generally associate with India in the Indian Ocean, and fading into Europeans in the Near East and Middle East, and Europeans slowly fading into India through the middle East, and South Indians slowly fading into the more East Asian faces in Burma, North India, Nepal, Bhutan, etc. Then as South East Asia heads into Indonesia and into Australia, New Zealand, and Oceana, we see the slow fading and blending of people as well.... The same is also true of the tribes on both of the American continents from the arctic to the tip of South America.
I would like a copy of that map.
should be in every house. :)
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller