the wife has given me permission to plant sweet potato in the garden beds. yay, i am moving closer to a more edible yard. anyways, i was looking for a fast maturing variety for my relatively short growing season in ohio. anyone with experience in this have recommendations?
Sweet potatoes are like okra...they do best south of the Mason-Dixon Line, but can be grown in the north. Check local seed distributors for specific recommendations. Here is a good over view (but it is from south of the M-D Line): Good luck...they are a welcome addition to any garden or dinner table.
Check seed catalogs from northern states. Also, look at the Sand Hill Preservation Center catalog on-line -- they have a LOT of sweet potato varieties and note which are best suited for northern climates.
excellent article...thx nancy. if she can grow them in canada, i can grow them in ohio. look forward to trying this next year. i think i've settled on vardaman for 2 reasons. 1) i am growing these in flower beds and this is a bush variety 2) they have a shorter growing season than most varieties which will help in my climate.
That's my roommate. He's kinda weird, but he always pays his half of the rent. And he gave me this tiny ad: